My name is Nicole and I am so happy that you are here! Thanks for connecting. I know the Lord has more for us. Iron sharpens Iron! We need to learn from one another and we pray that this is a platform where that is wildly successful! I am not always the most consistent one in the family. I like to think I am stable, but maybe not as consistent as I should be! 🙂 So, I will be sharing when I feel the Lord lead me to! Please stay connected. I would love to hear from you!

Many years ago, God gave me a visual in my mind of a monkey swinging through the vines. It was a time in my life when I needed to let go of my current season so that I could embrace the new one. He used that simple visual to speak something very powerful to me. The Lord told me that I had to let go of the vine behind me as I was reaching for the new one in front of me. If you try and hang on to the old AND the new at the same time so that you feel safe—you get stuck! The momentum is lost and you just hang there. That made total sense to me and I have been encouraged by that simple example so many times since then. Just a warning though…you feel very vulnerable as you are reaching for the new vine and you have ALREADY let go of the old one. That time is called–living by faith and placing your hope (anchor) in Him. It can feel scary, irresponsible and unstable but it is exactly where the Lord wants you. It’s the place in life where you learn to trust Him the most because you have nothing else to hang on to. Don’t worry….the Lord won’t leave you hanging for too long!

When you understand that He is always with you, you are able to trust Him no matter what you are doing, how you feel or where you are! Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to do this in John 15. We are all in the process of learning how to completely abide in Him!

It’s so true that most of the time the end of one thing is the beginning of something else. The word “done” doesn’t really apply to life once you understand this. 🙂 It makes it so important that you find rest in the Lord ALONG the way and celebrate each step. I finished my first book! (Yes, I know there will be more because the Lord has already given me more to say.) I am ready for the new thing God has for me. Finishing the book is the end of one season (that I am happy to let go of) and the beginning of the new season of ministering the message. I have to say—I am excited about that!!