Anchored in Freedom
Become Anchored in The Truth
That Sets You Free!
Do you ever feel weighed down by life? Do you find yourself wondering why you seem to fight the same battles over and over again? Do you need breakthrough in places that are holding you back? So did Nicole! Then, the process toward freedom began and it changed her life forever.
In Anchored in Freedom, she shares real life stories and Bible-based revelations that will help transform your mind. Whether you are a man, woman, young or old, Jesus died and rose again so you could live in the freedom that belongs to us. You have more power than you think you do. Learn how to be anchored, firm, and secure in the truth that sets you free.
About the Author
Nicole Moore has served the Body of Christ for over 20 years. She is a licensed minister, certified teacher and has a love for ALL people groups. She has used her gifts to minister in young adults’ ministry, worship, children’s ministry, public school, private school, school and church administration, and women’s ministry. It is her passion to empower others to be who they are called to be. She and her husband, Kevin, married in 1997 and live in Texas. They have two children, Andrew and Jade.

Anchored in Freedom is for people looking for simple solutions to everyday problems. It will grow your faith and trust in the heart of the Lord. At the same time, it will remove the shackles of wrong thinking. It’s all about the freedom to love and be loved by the Father! Nicole has been so transparent and it shines through in this amazing book. A must read.
Nicole has written a book about something we all want – hope! I don’t know a single person who doesn’t want it in their life, and yet, our culture is desperately grabbing scraps of counterfeit hope only to end up disappointed and empty handed. Inspired by her own life story, Nicole has beautifully put the process on paper of how any of us can courageously shift from placing our hope in false support to placing it all on Jesus – the only hope that won’t disappoint!
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